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ART 100E LR HINGED RACK pack of 10x96
ART 100E LR HINGED RACK pack of 10x96
ART 200 GEL, Non-Filtered Tip Racked non sterile, pack of 4 trays with 200 tips each
ART 200 GEL, Non-Filtered Tip Racked non sterile, pack of 4 trays with 200 tips each
Barrier pipet tips ART 10 Reach 10 µl, in flip-top lid rack, pack of 10x96
Barrier pipet tips ART 10 Reach 10 µl, in flip-top lid rack, pack of 10x96
Barrier Tip ART® 200 REACH XL 200 µl, sterile, Low Retention, hinged racked, pack of 40x96
Barrier Tip ART® 200 REACH XL 200 µl, sterile, Low Retention, hinged racked, pack of 40x96
Bulk-Line-Tips ART NF 1000G Genomic, 100-1000 µl, pack of 1000
Bulk-Line-Tips ART NF 1000G Genomic, 100-1000 µl, pack of 1000
Cryogenic Rack, 81-Well fluorescent green
Cryogenic Rack, 81-Well fluorescent green
Cryogenic Rack, 81-Well PP, nature
Cryogenic Rack, 81-Well PP, nature
DNA AWAY™ for surface decontaminant | Type: MBP DNA Away®, Capacity ml: 250, Package: Flask
DNA AWAY™ for surface decontaminant | Type: MBP DNA Away®, Capacity ml: 250, Package: Flask
Merk: Thermo Elect.LED GmbH (MBP)Eliminates unwanted DNA and DNase from glassware and plasticware without affecting subsequent DNA samples.Degrades DNA more quickly and effectively than autoclaving.This product is a disinfectant containing biocides. Please inquire its availability and legal information.
Electro oporation cuvette 2 mm, sterile, single packed pack of 50
Electro oporation cuvette 2 mm, sterile, single packed pack of 50
epMotion® Tips 50µl, clear sterile, pack of 10x96
epMotion® Tips 50µl, clear sterile, pack of 10x96
Filter tips ART™ | Capacity: 1 ... 10 µl
Filter tips ART™ | Capacity: 1 ... 10 µl
Merk: Thermo Elect.LED GmbH (MBP)Beschikbaar in 5 varianten
Filter tips ART™ | Capacity: 1 ... 1000 µl
Filter tips ART™ | Capacity: 1 ... 1000 µl
Merk: Thermo Elect.LED GmbH (MBP)Beschikbaar in 5 varianten

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